Different Legal Fields

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lawyer officeThere are several areas of law that solicitors can specialise in. Some of these fields focus on individuals while others are aimed more at companies and organisations. Here are some of the primary fields of legal specialism.


Conveyancing is the area of law dealing with the purchase and sale of property. Handling the legal side of both commercial and residential sales, a conveyancing lawyer draws up contracts and checks all paperwork to ensure there are no potential problems or disputes relating to a property.

Commercial Law

A commercial lawyer deals with legal disputes involving businesses and contracts. They have an expert understanding of business law and will research precedent cases and prepare a case for their client to be represented in court.

Criminal Law

This area of law can be very varied, dealing with a wide scope of matters from small scale crimes to fraud and major offences. Criminal lawyers can work for either the defence in private practice or for the Crown Prosecution Service in a prosecuting role.

Personal Injury Law

This area of law is on the rise and involves obtaining compensation for those who have been injured as a result of an accident, a vehicle collision or medical negligence. Lawyers can either work on behalf of the injured party or for an insurance company.

Family Law

This field has a large scope and covers everything from divorce and custody matters to inheritance and wills. Some of the cases handled in this type of work can be quite distressing and emotionally challenging.

Employment Law

Everything to do with work and employment contracts is handled by employment lawyers. They may deal with unfair dismissals, contract disputes or employees rights, and they may represent either individuals, groups of employees or businesses. To discover more about employment law and all it entails.

For more detailed descriptions of all the areas of law please visit this page on Allaboutlaw.co.uk. There you can find all the different areas of practice there are and further information about them.